Endpoint to that lists all the eventRules, their status and parameters based on a portfolio Id, filtered by country. Newly created portfolios are without any notification event rules by default, but you can switch rules on/off per country or on a global basis. There are different rules available for each country due to the different type of change event data that's available. The following GET request lists all the available rules for a portfolio.
[- {
- "isActive": 0,
- "ruleCode": 101,
- "ruleCountryCode": "XX",
- "ruleType": 4,
- "ruleTypeName": "Rating band change - 3 input",
- "name": "International Rating | Reduce by {0} Band(s) OR Less than Band {1}",
- "param0": "1",
- "param1": "A",
- "param2": "A"