List of updates to the Connect API documentation.
February 2025
Companies - Confidence Match Search
- matchThreshold parameter has been updated in terms of banding.
Minimum value is now 893, maximum value is now 999.
Endpoint /companies/match
GB Consumer - Multi-Bureau Search Request
- The requestBody has been updated to reflect actual coding convention of camelCase
- Two additional parameters have been added `sortCode` AND `bankAccountNumber'
Endpoint /localSolutions/GB/identitysearch
KYC - Return Full Search Hit Information
Correction of a schema response object from a string to an Array of strings
"sources": [
"title": "string",
"description": "string",
"link": "string",
"dateAdded": "2019-08-24",
"isCopyrighted": "string",
"datePublished": "2019-08-24",
"documentLink": "string",
"datasets": [
Endpoint /kyc-protect/searches/individuals/{searchId}/hits/{hitId}
Endpoint /kyc-protect/searches/businesses/{searchId}/hits/{hitId}
January 2025
- Updated incorrect parameter casing on the the GB Identity History endpoint.
Endpoint /localSolutions/GB/identitysearch/history
November 2024
- Removal of the GitHub link to the old Swagger UI - No longer supported.
Company Images
- Endpoints updated to reflect correct responses and detailed descriptions added:
Endpoint /images/companies
- 200 response re-written to remove incorrect properties.
- 200 response re-written to include missing properties.
- 200 response re-written to add descriptions for all properties.
Endpoint /images/{imageId}
- 400 response corrected: Fixed `message` property structure.
- 200 response updated: Returns a Binary Stream Response only; removed reference to incorrect schema.
FR Bank Match
- Additional parameter added:
Endpoint /localSolutions/FR/bankMatch
- Added query parameter
KYC Protect
- Added integration assistance documentation in the 'Introduction' section.
- Added guidance for best practices: Adding searches to profiles for monitoring.
- New Endpoints added for AML and Audit Reporting, under a new sidebar option: KYC Reporting:
GET /kyc-protect/reports/criteria/{type}
POST /kyc-protect/reports
GET /kyc-protect/reports
GET /kyc-protect/reports/{reportId}
GET /kyc-protect/reports/{reportId}/download
- New Endpoints added for Business and Individual Search Hits, under new sidebar options: KYC AML Screening - Businesses and KYC AML Screening - Individuals:
GET /kyc-protect/searches/businesses/{searchId}/hits/{hitId}/download
GET /kyc-protect/searches/individuals/{searchId}/hits/{hitId}/download
Protect - Legacy
- Updated legacy Protect product endpoints:
Endpoints no longer supported:
- All endpoints under
, except the following, now return a 301 Moved Permanently status:
POST /protect/audit
GET /protect/audit
POST /protect/idv/gdc/search
GET /protect/idv/file
Response for deprecated endpoints:
{"message": "All resources under /protect/* are no longer available. This product is now replaced by KYC Protect (/compliance/kyc-protect/* endpoints)"}
Removed unsupported endpoints from the documentation.